Monday, December 31, 2007
Fuck the fear
Fear rules me to my core
It drives my every move
Every decision
I even fear the decisions I make
It permeates through me
And oozes from my pores
It drives my successes and is behind all my failures
Fear drives all emotional responses
Makes me do things I wouldn’t do
Fills me with suspicion, pain and anxiety
Stops me from speaking, sharing or confiding
Fear of letting down
Fear of disappointing
Fear of loss
Actions born of this fear
Resonates in the most painful fear of all
Fear drives me forward and astray
I want love to be pure and carefree
Yet this fear boils up within me
I need to set me free
Let what be, be what is
Let what is just be free
I need to kick it out, evict this poison eating me
How can I be free with this poison devouring me?
All of these actions, all of these feelings
Don’t own me
They have taken control
They are at the wheel
Steering me in all the wrong directions
Sabotaging such good things
Fear blinds me and puts my body in motion
Begins the wheels turning filling with emotion
There I am below
Huddled a mess
Beaten and subdued
I am getting up and fighting back
Against you.
I can no longer allow you to rule
To take control and drive me on through
Push aside you poisonous fool
I am claiming back my life
Again I will be pure and true
I will fear not that which you tell me to
I will stand up and stand proud
With everything to loose
Here I am world take me as I am
I am fighting to be strong
Breaking through this fear
Reclaiming my life
The life full of laughter, sunshine and love
The life pure and simple
No longer fogged with mud
My fear can leave the same way it came
Quiet and sneaky
For I refuse to allow it to stay here
And break me.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Christmas Holidays

Monday, October 29, 2007

Saturday, October 27, 2007
Long time...

Well thats all for today foalks I have more that I will post later. I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoyed taking them!
Friday, September 7, 2007
A second attempt

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
An Experiment in Photography

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Baby Mel's Wedding

Mel has always been very much her own person. She never thought twice about doing exactly what she wanted. If she wanted a mohawk she got a mohawk (we will leave out who it was that gave her that mohawk) the point is Mel is a unique person and this fact was evident at her reception too. IN true Mel form there was a nicly decorated package of M&M's for each guest in attendance. Along with bags upon bags of miscelanious decorations.
Standing for her in her wedding was her two sisters her two best friends, her nephue and my niece. Is there anything cuter than little kids dressed up in formal attire??

He was attentive and patient, he didnt squirm or fiddle and he was right on que for the whole ceremony. This kid is the most gentle carasmatic six year old I have ever met. And cute to boot!

Monday, September 3, 2007
Canada's Wonderland

The bat is one of my favorites from my younger days. /this rollercoaster brings you up 80- 100 ft and drops you through two upside wown twists and a loop before catching the cars on the other side and releasing you backwards through it all again. its a really wild ride! I was more than surprised to see kids as young as 7 braving this ride as I did not work up the courage until I was a teenager.
Next is the Fire Fly... A classic ride. This is most Canadian kids first Loop to Loop rollercoaster. It is quick and fun but hold your head back tight against the headrest or you are sure to go home with a bit of a headache.
If you are coming by remember to bring a lunch and keep it in the car you can exit the park and return after you have eaten. The food available in the park is gross to be polite and will cost you enough to put a serious dent in your wallet. Other than that Wonderland is amazing it offers both an amusement park and a waterpark in one and I will guarantee you will have an amazing fun filled day!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Tale of a pound pup

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Scratch That!

The Ribs at Montana's are excellent! And filling. Wow, I nearly had to roll out of there I was so full. I am a picky rib eater If they are tough I wont eat them but these ones were just right, they were tender and they had a nice sauce on them.. Yummm..
We spent most of the evening talking about a little girl we met on the weekend. This child is in a bad place. You know it is one of those situations that make you feel so helpless. She was abandoned by her birth parents and left to be raised by her maternal grandmother and aunt. The grandmother has since passed on and she is now the sole responsibility of her aunt. The concern with this is that her aunt is a fall down, black out drunk. She starts first thing in the morning and continues straight through the day and into the night. Unfortunately we were witness to this behaviour on the weekend. The little girl is 12 years old and well aware of the ways most people behave, she is extreamly reserved and was quite obviously embarrased by her caregivers behaviour. She barely spoke the whole day except to contradict some of the things her aunt was talking about. This young girl was behind in her cognative development and we fear has seen just too much of the nastiness that is possible on this earth. It was a cold night and we were all huddled around a campfire . At one point in the evening this little girl offered to let someone in the group borrow her blanket saying she was warm. The aunt freaked out! I mean freaked out. yelling at the kid. Saying that her mother had given her that blanket and that she had given it to the little girl and she was not to be giving it away. Woa hold your horses there drunkie! The kid was mearly offering to SHARE it. She was not giving it away. Amazing how a case of beer will cloud your perseption. Anywho, what are we to do?? We dont know where they live or what their full names are and they are gone back to NB. We would like nothing more than to see this child being raised by someone responsible and caring but it seems out of our hands. Hmmm...
At the end of the night drunkie got up and desided that she was pickled enough so it was time for her to hit the hay. As she was making her rounds of hugs and kisses (for people she had just met that evening) she stopped at our friends mother ( a nice quiet Cathlic lady in her late 50's) and gave her what I thought was a little too long of a hug for someone she didnt know. When our friends mother sat down she looked horrified, and leaned over to me saying "get her the fuck out of here!!" When I had her ushered off the property and headed towards her bed I returned and asked what happened... Apparently drunkie started wispering something in mothers ear then bit her ear... LMFAO.. That was it I cracked up. Who bites a strange older womans ear??? The look that went with the story was pricelss. I havent laughed so hard in ages. Poor Momma!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Fun and Games
So this is the plan so far... I get off work at 4 the game is at 7 so I will go home and change then Shannon and I will be heading downtown.. We havent desided yet if we will drive (lots of traffic) or take the TTC... When we get there we are going to go to dinner somewhere close the the dome. Then grab a cold beer and hit the stands. The seats are not that bad so we sould be able to see well. Toronto is playing Oakland.. Hmmm who to cheer for??? Seeing as I am not a fan of either team I guess I can cheer for whomever is winning...LOL.. Some Toronto fans would have my head for that one, but really does it really matter who wins?? I mean do I have to cheer for Toronto because that is the city I live in?? I prefer the Yankies to be honest.. Well heres to hoping that the evening is worth the trip downtown.. Pray for a good game! Whoever wins!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Vacation Picutres and comentary

Turn your head to the right... a little more.. does the picture look like it is standing in the right direction? Ya? Good I like this picture but forgot to rotate it before I posted it so its a little challenge for you to see it in its true beauty. This is one of those shots that Algonquin park is famous for. It is an early morning shot with the fog just lifting off the surface of the lake, the wather has yet to be disturbed by canoes and swimmers. It is still as glass and reflecting the sky and trees beautifully and right where the shadows cross the trees is that moring mist that makes waking up at the crack of dawn for a pee worth the trip out of the tent. This is the one place I dont mind waking up early, Algonquin has a different type of beauty for every time of the day, every season and every weather condition.