Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Fun and Games

Tonight for the first time in my almost young life I am going to a baseball game. Well at least my first professional baseball game. Funny for a girl who played baseball for years and years. The players strike happened right around the time I was old enough to go to the games (without parents) and I lost interest while they were striking. To be completely honest I still am not that interested, I got free tickets from work and thought... Well they are free and it gives me something to do Tuesday evening besides watching tv or playing on the computer, so why the hell not?
So this is the plan so far... I get off work at 4 the game is at 7 so I will go home and change then Shannon and I will be heading downtown.. We havent desided yet if we will drive (lots of traffic) or take the TTC... When we get there we are going to go to dinner somewhere close the the dome. Then grab a cold beer and hit the stands. The seats are not that bad so we sould be able to see well. Toronto is playing Oakland.. Hmmm who to cheer for??? Seeing as I am not a fan of either team I guess I can cheer for whomever is winning...LOL.. Some Toronto fans would have my head for that one, but really does it really matter who wins?? I mean do I have to cheer for Toronto because that is the city I live in?? I prefer the Yankies to be honest.. Well heres to hoping that the evening is worth the trip downtown.. Pray for a good game! Whoever wins!

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