I have to comment on how rewarding it is to finish a 12km hike and retire to a lake front paradise to listen to loons calling, waves crashing and wind blowing the leaves on the trees. ( I will omit the sound of my dog barking at every little noise that did come out of the woods, He is a good dog.. Protecting his mommy's from the threat of bears coming to snack on their limbs)

Turn your head to the right... a little more.. does the picture look like it is standing in the right direction? Ya? Good I like this picture but forgot to rotate it before I posted it so its a little challenge for you to see it in its true beauty. This is one of those shots that Algonquin park is famous for. It is an early morning shot with the fog just lifting off the surface of the lake, the wather has yet to be disturbed by canoes and swimmers. It is still as glass and reflecting the sky and trees beautifully and right where the shadows cross the trees is that moring mist that makes waking up at the crack of dawn for a pee worth the trip out of the tent. This is the one place I dont mind waking up early, Algonquin has a different type of beauty for every time of the day, every season and every weather condition.
This is still on Harness Lake in the morning the people on the other side of the lake (right in the bunch of trees to the right of the screen.. See them? Nope well they are there trust me) were getting ready to put their canoe back in the water I needed to get one last shot of the still water before any human form could make an impact on it. This lake was also the last semi descent tasting water we had to drink for the rest of the trip. Every other water fill up on our journey will consist of bog water, which is safe if you boil it (we used water purification tabs) but doesnt mean it tases good. Bog water is heavy and tastes a little musty. (Thank god for tang!)
LOOK OUT! This is a nice little look out.. I was cussing this pretty place the whole way up the hill! (me) "What the hell do people need with these stupid lookouts anyway??""CLIMB up, look around... OHHHH... climb down.. Stupid" Until you get to the top and you are struck by the beautiy in each lookout. Every single one is different, some show you lakes or rivers or simply hills upon hills of trees. Wonderful breesy place to put down your way to heavy backpack and have a break.
The above image is another shot of the morning mist on the lakes in the park. Unfortunately I dropped the camera in a pot of water on the second night which spoiled a few of the shots. This is my explination for why hald is green and the other half looks like.. well water damaged. But you get the point.
Turn your head to the right... a little more.. does the picture look like it is standing in the right direction? Ya? Good I like this picture but forgot to rotate it before I posted it so its a little challenge for you to see it in its true beauty. This is one of those shots that Algonquin park is famous for. It is an early morning shot with the fog just lifting off the surface of the lake, the wather has yet to be disturbed by canoes and swimmers. It is still as glass and reflecting the sky and trees beautifully and right where the shadows cross the trees is that moring mist that makes waking up at the crack of dawn for a pee worth the trip out of the tent. This is the one place I dont mind waking up early, Algonquin has a different type of beauty for every time of the day, every season and every weather condition.
Overall I loved the trip. I liked the physical exertion (although at times I just wanted to hang up the pack and be helecopterd off the trail) I loved the secluded sites on the trail, I loved the trees and water and sunshine. I loved the company of my partner and puppy. It is not often that you get to have a few days alone with the one you love, no phones, no work, no computer nothing to distract you. What I love about my relationship with Shannon is that no matter what happens, even if we bitch at eachother the whole day on the trail, even if we are tired and smell worse then a man after playing 3 games of hockey, even if we are hungry and cranky at the end of the day we love eachother and can both sit back by the campfire and have some freeze dryed curry chicken and marvel in the beauty of the days hike and the nice place we are fortunate enough to lay our heads for the day. (okay you can breath now, after my loooong ass run on scentance)
Finally I have a message for all you skinny, fit athletic types that frequent these trails. I hate you! I hate that you can bound up a 1500 foot incline like they are a stroll in the park. ( I know they kind of are) Those that are able to finish this hike in two days and still look and smell pretty fresh. Just joking. I stirve to be able to do just that. I would like for ALL those hills to bearly cause my breathing to change, to not have to stop half way up to get my heart back to an acceptable rythem. To be able to complete the hike without the type of physical effort it takes a larger person to complete it. One thing I will say though it that I am proud. I am proud of me. I am far from fit. In fact in the past 10 years I have allowed myself to gain a lot of weight and am not nearly as active as I once was. But I made the decision to take on this challenge and although there were times that it was difficult I perservered. I completed the hike. And I plan to do it all again. So there!
Beautiful beautiful pictures chick thank you for sharing :-)
I have to say you made me cry with your post before ... about Shannon. My hairs stood up ... and I agree 100% that you should follow your heart regardless of what your friends and family think is or isnt right ... you took that chance as I did ... and look at the partners we have been blessed with :-)
Beautiful pictures! You should turn them into a calendar ~ they are breathtaking!
Just did this myself. Here's my recount of the journey: http://www.tjbro.com/?q=node/69
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