Let me first start by saying how much I hate weddings.
There I said it!
I know it is not a popular statement but it is my trouth!
Having said that let me also say how much I love my family. Yes they can be crazy and taking the trip up north to spend time with them is often extreamly nerve wracking. ( Picture 40+ people crammed into a 3 bedroom bungalo.. With only one bathroom... Yep nerve wracking) But some of them are amazing people.

Take my uncle Ronny for example... This man would give anyone (yes anyone) the shirt right off his back if they needed it. This man gives and gives and gives and never askes for anything in return. He has saved me thousands of dollars in car repairs (as well as everyone else im my family who have had the misfortune of car troubles) He bought my grandparents home from them for two reasons. 1. So the house would always stay in our family and 2. To ensure my grandparents had enough money to live on month to month. He was my positive male rollmodel as a child. There is a big happy place for him in heaven when the time comes. Today was his middle child (and the one most like him) Mel's wedding. He was proud as a peacock to share in this event with her.
Shhh dont tell anyone I told you this but Mel is his favorite. Anywho, Mel fell in love with a young man named Mario and they desided to sign over ownership papers to eachother, and well there were moments in the whole event that even had me choked up. Primarily the moment that my uncle Ronny handed over his baby to this young man, I can just imagine how hard it was for him to "give her away", to give away his little girl. Yet he seemed so happy and proud.
Mel has always been very much her own person. She never thought twice about doing exactly what she wanted. If she wanted a mohawk she got a mohawk (we will leave out who it was that gave her that mohawk) the point is Mel is a unique person and this fact was evident at her reception too. IN true Mel form there was a nicly decorated package of M&M's for each guest in attendance. Along with bags upon bags of miscelanious decorations.
Standing for her in her wedding was her two sisters her two best friends, her nephue and my niece. Is there anything cuter than little kids dressed up in formal attire??

Meet Justin. Justin is the six year old son of my cousin Crystal and Mel's nephue. He stood for her as her ring berrer and did a fantastic job of it.

He was attentive and patient, he didnt squirm or fiddle and he was right on que for the whole ceremony. This kid is the most gentle carasmatic six year old I have ever met. And cute to boot!

Let me tell you a little something about my niece Emily. She is a princess. No really, just ask her! She will tell you when she grows up she is going to be a princess and there is no convincing her otherwise. She romantisizes everything. In her little mind and heart the world is a fairy tale and some handsome prince will be coming by shortly to whisp her off her feet. Having said that, the fact that she was the flower girl at Mel's wedding was like a day in her future kingdom. She is just 3 months older than Justin and she also did very well, although she did do periuettes in the aisle while the ownership papers were being signed. As far as Emily was concerned this was HER day! During dinner Justin asked his uncle David if Emily might want to dance with him after they finished eating so Shannon leaned into Emily's ear and said "what would you think if one of the boys wanted to dance with you?" To which Emily replied with a bright smile and gleam in her eye... "That would be perfect!"
All in all despite my feelings for weddings and their utter lack of necessity and cost and well you got the point with my numberous references to "ownership papers" the day was good. Everyone had a good time and everyone behaved.
The night after the wedding however is another story for another time!
1 comment:
ahhh uncle Ronny!!! LOVE him and LOVE Mel ... and the kiddies were adorable... I had a GREAT time!!!
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