Meet Marley. After 7 wonderful years with our Chinese Crested Hairless dog Scoop we desided it was time to get another dog. We had to put Scoop down because he had gone blind and developed a respratory illness. That was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. But it was all in an attempt to stop our poor little puppys suffering. After the deed was done I proclaimed that I never wanted a dog again. I never wanted to have to do that again! But it wasn't long before I started to crave the company of a lovable pooch. So after many discussions Shannon and I desided we would check out the Humaine society. Before heading out I checked out their website and there was a story of this little black pomeranian pup who was ready for a good home and i fell in love he was so cute. In true Humaine sociey form when we arrived it turns out that pup was not ready to leave and we would have to find another dog.... So we walked around for a while and Shannon fell in love with this little guy with a bandana around his neck. So we filled out the paperwork and were told to come back on monday because he was a stray and they wanted to give the oeners a few more days to claim him. Shannon was depressed and disapointed. I desided to go back the next day to see if he was still there and sure enough he was gone.

So started the search again. I must have walked around that humaine society for a good hour looking at all the dogs and determined to find the right dog. I wanted to come home with a nice dog for Shannon and one that would fit well into our lifestyle. That is when I came across "No Name" no name was in a cage with unfinished paperwork. He was a stray with no birthdate, name, breed etc.. but he was so cute. When I kneeled down beside his cage he stuck his nose between the bars and licked my hand then he was so happy to see me his tail was wagging so much he was making music on the bars on either side of the cage. I HAD to have him. So I enquired. I have to mention that the day before we delt with this weird guy who gave us nothing but the run around. Guess who I got to deal with again? I took weirdo over to no names cage and said this is the dog I want. Weirdo began giving me all the reasons he thought I could not have this dog and went to talk to someone named Will. Finally after some further run around I left weirdo where he stood and walked directly over to Will. Will seemed to be the only one with answers. He walked with me over to No Name's cage and we began to talk. Will also started telling me that he had only been in the humaine society for a few days etc etc... So I changed the subject to discuss why I thought No Name would be perfect for my family. We are campers and hikers we are always out in nature and this dog would be perfect. After more discussion like this Will seemed to have warmed up to me, saying I seemed like a good candidate for No Name, however because he was a puppy they needed more than one application and had to pick the best candidate. He took my paperwork and once again sent me home empty handed but this time told me to sit by the phone because I MAY (Wink) get a phone call by the end of the day. So off I went back home empty handed. I told Shannon all about little No Name what he looked like, that he licked me through the cage etc... Then it happened the phone rang and it was Will! He said come pick up your dog! OMG We got him! Shannon and I sprinted to the car and I could not drive fast enough for Shannon. When we got there I showed Shannon where our dog was and went over to find Will to complete the adoption process. shannon was in love! She wouldnt leave No Names side.

As I was filling out the rest of the paperwork a young family was trying to get No Name ans Shannon told them he had been adopted, they were not impressed! Will left me and went to get our dog. As we were sitting at the table with our new dog the above mentioned family passed and the dad yelled out to his kids "say goodbye to your dog kids... " How rude. I had payed the adoption fee and driven back and forth 3 times. He was our dog!
No Name is now Marley, and he is a great dog! He is fun and loving, he is great with kids and for a puppy surprisingly patient. He is part black lab and part pointer hound which poses a problem when we take him off his leash because the hound in him likes to follow his nose. But we are working on that. He loves to camp and had a great time hiking. It is nice to come home each day to a wagging tail and licks. There is nothing in the world like the love a dog gives you. And Marley is the perfect match for us.
Hello...thanks for the posting on my blog. Check out my Rubinations link as well since Rubin's lovely mug can be found there, too.
Glad you found Marley...or perhaps he found you. While we went for a designer mutt this time, our previous dogs were all mixed breeds and wonderful. Chester was the last and while we never thought we'd find another like him (which technically we haven't) it's nice to know we can have enough love in our hearts to include Rubin in there, too.
Marley is a doll! There is nothing like the unconditional love of a dog!
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