Daily musings of a 28 year old Lesbian retail manager with a passion for her lover, photography and all which is beautiful in this world!
The Ribs at Montana's are excellent! And filling. Wow, I nearly had to roll out of there I was so full. I am a picky rib eater If they are tough I wont eat them but these ones were just right, they were tender and they had a nice sauce on them.. Yummm..
We spent most of the evening talking about a little girl we met on the weekend. This child is in a bad place. You know it is one of those situations that make you feel so helpless. She was abandoned by her birth parents and left to be raised by her maternal grandmother and aunt. The grandmother has since passed on and she is now the sole responsibility of her aunt. The concern with this is that her aunt is a fall down, black out drunk. She starts first thing in the morning and continues straight through the day and into the night. Unfortunately we were witness to this behaviour on the weekend. The little girl is 12 years old and well aware of the ways most people behave, she is extreamly reserved and was quite obviously embarrased by her caregivers behaviour. She barely spoke the whole day except to contradict some of the things her aunt was talking about. This young girl was behind in her cognative development and we fear has seen just too much of the nastiness that is possible on this earth. It was a cold night and we were all huddled around a campfire . At one point in the evening this little girl offered to let someone in the group borrow her blanket saying she was warm. The aunt freaked out! I mean freaked out. yelling at the kid. Saying that her mother had given her that blanket and that she had given it to the little girl and she was not to be giving it away. Woa hold your horses there drunkie! The kid was mearly offering to SHARE it. She was not giving it away. Amazing how a case of beer will cloud your perseption. Anywho, what are we to do?? We dont know where they live or what their full names are and they are gone back to NB. We would like nothing more than to see this child being raised by someone responsible and caring but it seems out of our hands. Hmmm...
At the end of the night drunkie got up and desided that she was pickled enough so it was time for her to hit the hay. As she was making her rounds of hugs and kisses (for people she had just met that evening) she stopped at our friends mother ( a nice quiet Cathlic lady in her late 50's) and gave her what I thought was a little too long of a hug for someone she didnt know. When our friends mother sat down she looked horrified, and leaned over to me saying "get her the fuck out of here!!" When I had her ushered off the property and headed towards her bed I returned and asked what happened... Apparently drunkie started wispering something in mothers ear then bit her ear... LMFAO.. That was it I cracked up. Who bites a strange older womans ear??? The look that went with the story was pricelss. I havent laughed so hard in ages. Poor Momma!
I would like to introduce you to my partner of 9 years. Her name is Shannon, she is now 30 years old. We met when I was only 18 and developed a wonderful friendship. At the time she was in a relationship with a nice woman, however the relationship was struggling and Shannon was moving in another direction with her life. At the time I had never really given any thought to my own sexuality. As always in my early life I just did what was expected of me. I steered clear of drugs and alcohol, I didn't smoke or party. Frankly my childhood was pretty dull. My family had put the fear of god in me and I was afraid of intimacy. Then Shannon came around and for a while we were good friends. We talked and laughed together, as time moved on we became inseperable. I found myself wanting to be around her all the time, I would skip school everyday she was off from work, just so I could spend the day with her (much to her displeasure... she wanted me to go to school and do well) All I wanted to do was be around her.
She had broken up with her girlfriend and had expressed an interest in me but I was scared and told her I was not interested. (I was but was too afraid to admit it, both to myself and to her) So our friendship developed further and Shannon got a new girlfriend. This was the turning point, I could no longer pretend that I had no feelings for her because I pained me to see her with someone else. I was jealous. I was sad. I wanted her to have unlimited time for me. So I bit the bullet and told her how I felt. As they say the rest is history. Sometimes in life you have to do what other people may frown on and live your life for you. I am a true believer that you need to live your own trouth regardless of what your family friends and society think about it. I am so glad that I made the choices I did. I have had 9 wonderful years with a person that I love very much. I am happy and live a full life. I couldnt imagine my life any other way!