Monday, December 31, 2007

Fuck the fear

Fuck you fear

Fear rules me to my core
It drives my every move
Every decision
I even fear the decisions I make
It permeates through me
And oozes from my pores
It drives my successes and is behind all my failures

Fear drives all emotional responses
Makes me do things I wouldn’t do
Fills me with suspicion, pain and anxiety
Stops me from speaking, sharing or confiding
Fear of letting down
Fear of disappointing
Fear of loss
Actions born of this fear
Resonates in the most painful fear of all
Fear drives me forward and astray
I want love to be pure and carefree
Yet this fear boils up within me
I need to set me free
Let what be, be what is
Let what is just be free
I need to kick it out, evict this poison eating me
How can I be free with this poison devouring me?

All of these actions, all of these feelings
Don’t own me
They have taken control
They are at the wheel
Steering me in all the wrong directions
Sabotaging such good things
Fear blinds me and puts my body in motion
Begins the wheels turning filling with emotion
There I am below
Huddled a mess
Beaten and subdued
I am getting up and fighting back
Against you.

I can no longer allow you to rule
To take control and drive me on through
Push aside you poisonous fool
I am claiming back my life
Again I will be pure and true
I will fear not that which you tell me to
I will stand up and stand proud
With everything to loose
Here I am world take me as I am
I am fighting to be strong
Breaking through this fear
Reclaiming my life
The life full of laughter, sunshine and love
The life pure and simple
No longer fogged with mud
My fear can leave the same way it came
Quiet and sneaky
For I refuse to allow it to stay here
And break me.


Anonymous said...

wow powerful.

Are you okay? You know I am always here for you...the good the bad and the ugly...


Anonymous said...

Very well done! So full of pure power... very strong!

Thank you for sharing this part of yourself.. I am always 'afraid' to show my self so openly. Good for you. Very brave!