As I posted in the past my mother had a child when she was no more than a child herself and gave her up for adoption. A few weeks ago my twin sister was successful at locating my mothers first daughter. About two weeks after locating and getting in touch with her my sister, Shannon and I all hopped in my car with my 5 year old niece and headed up north to meet her. On the way I stopped at a gas station to fuel up (at 1.29/l but that is another story) As I fueled the car my twin and niece headed into the store for some snacks and my partner went on a "space walk". As I am draining my wallet into the tank of my car Shannon runs up to me and yells... "Jenn get your camera and come over here you HAVE GOT to see this!" So me being the photo buff that I am finish emptying my wallet, quickly grab my camera and trott off in her direction. As we pass the fence at the end of the gas station drive way what do I see? Low and behold there standing in front of me is an abandoned hotel. Not a nice 5 story hotel that had room service and a bar.. Well maybe this one had a bar.. nope one of those old one story tiny room hotels that you park in front of your room and walk in the door... The type of place you imagine the exchange money for favors kind of dealings took place.
As you can plainly see it wasnt the classiest of places to begin with but now completely neglected and falling apart. One would think they would have borded it up and locked the doors or even.. gasp!.. tore the place down. Nope its open for all to see! Yay for me and my handy dandy camera. Would you like the grand tour?
Sure you would!
Welcome! Wont you sign in and leave your "hourly" payment at the front desk? I'll show you to your room.

If you require any towels or cleaning supplies the maitnance room is just down the row.. Remember if the room is a'rockin...

Also did I mention the fabulous view! Each room has a wonderful window with a fabulous view... Here come take a look!

Thank you for visiting the "no tell motel" have a wonderful hour... And remember if additional hours are needed just pick up the reciever and tell our lovely Antonetta at the front desk.. (just try to let her know before midnight.. after that she is too drunk to answer the phone!) Come back soon ya'll hear now!
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