Tuesday, April 3, 2007


A lesson on just how strong nature is over nurture. There are many arguments that nurture rates hightly in the way a person ends up, what they like and dont like, weight, habits etc... I would like to challenge that idea. Up until this past weekend I too was a believer that nurture led to the way people utlimately turn out, however have now seen evidance that states otherwise.

When my mother was young she had a child whom she gave up for adoption. Like all tragic yet necessary stories such as this go, my mother wanted the best life for her daughter and knew she was not capable at the time of providing that life. Needless to say the apple never met the tree, but somehow it hit every branch on the way down.. Just this past weekend we had the opportunity to meet my sister, my mothers first daughter. She couldn't be more like my mother. Not only physically but in all the things she enjoys! To make matters more clear she posesses many of the qualitites my twin sister and I do to. Amazing after a life outside of our home.
Chantal (our new sister) enjoys cooking, knitting, crafting and country music. Our mom, well you guessed it has always enjoyed those same activities. I have endless memories of my mother sitting on the couch knitting and even more of her at her craft table making stuff.. She even started a busness selling the crafts she made! And yes my mother is a hopless country music fan.
My sister Julie twists her hair hoplessly, many times needing her finger cut out of her hair! As children we both sucked our thumbs, believe it or not (and I am not proud) but still do. Chantal also twists her hair and on occasion (when feeling insecure) has been known to suck her thumb.
Chantal has 3 children 16, 3 and 1. Julie has 2 children 5 and 2. And so begins my argument regarding sexuality! Scientists may not be determined to prove that sexual orientation is genetic but I dont need them to know it is. I am a lesbian, Julie has enjoyed the company of woman, Chantal has enjoyed the company of woman, and my 16 year old neice is bisexual. Need I say more?
This past weekend has been a trip! Chantal has been very reseptive to us and has been simply amazing... We have talked many times about wanting to find her and hoping that she would be receptive to us. She has been. I am looking forward to getting to know her better and building a relationship with her and her kids. And my mom is thrilled! The daughter she never had. Try as she might she was not able to interest Julie and I in the things she enjoyed. I hope she has fun sharing those interests with Chantal.

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