Here we go.....

This is Scoopy. He is a chines crested Hairless dog. And a wonderful little guy at that. We had to put Scoopy down a couple of years ago, he just got old and sick. We miss him dearly and believe the world will never see a little guy like this again. We are hoping that he is in a wonderful place where he can continue to pee wherever he wants and gets to chase lots of squirls and little white poodles.
This is me (left) and my girlfriend (right) isnt she beautiful? Shannon is the love of my life. Are times always easy? Nope but the beautiful thing is that we have been patient and understanding and stuck by eachother in the hard times. And really enjoyed the good times.
This is all I have time for this morning cause I gots to run to work. Damn it. I will continue later.